Using Custom Fonts
This article concerns the
See other variants:

For custom fonts, you must install the font files in a way where they can be found by Texifier when it is attempting to typeset your document. Font files (.ttf files) may be placed in the same directory as your LaTeX source files or installed somewhere central for use by all your projects. See below for how to install the font files in your environment.


Once the font is installed, you can simply use the package fontspec to set this as the main font of the document. In the following example, we are using a font called Sansita Swashed available at Google Fonts.

An example for using a custom font

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...

Here the font file SansitaSwashed-VariableFont_wght.ttf is part of the font file set downloaded from Google Fonts’s page for Sansita Swashed.

This simple example will produce the following output on Texifier iOS when using TexpadTeX.


Installing Fonts

For a Single Project

You can place the fonts in the same folder as your LaTeX source files. In the above example, file SansitaSwashed-VariableFont_wght.ttf will be placed next to the source file sansita-swash-font-example.tex in the same file storage in the Documents’ pane of the app.

Making Fonts Available to all Projects

If you would like to instal the file such that it is available to all your projects, you must place in a folder called Texpad-Custom-Packages in the root of your local Texifier storage (named iPad or iPhone depending on the device).

Note that the name of the folder Texpad-Custom-Packages still carries the old name of the app Texpad. See apps/typesetting/custom-packages?platform=ios#1-the-texifier-custom-packages-directory-on-ios for more.