Identifying the device Texifier is running on
This article concerns the
See other variants:

An iOS device is identified via its UDID.

The UDID is a 40 character alphanumeric string unique to an iOS device. When we build a beta copy we build it for a set of specified UDIDs, so we need you to send us your UDID before we can send you a beta copy.

Follow these steps to send us get your UDID

  • Plug your iOS device into your desktop or laptop computer and open iTunes
  • Click the name of the device in the tab bar
  • Switch to the summary tab
  • Click the text that says Serial Number so that it changes to say Identifier (UDID).
  • Select Copy from the Edit menu, please paste it into an email and sent it to us.
  • Alternatively screenshot the UDID with CMD-SHIFT-4 and send us the screen

Instructions for finding the UDID on iTunes earlier than iTunes 11 are given here for more details.